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Cambridge Reproduction

Amy Ahern
Principal Research Associate and Programme Leader
Academic Staff
MPhil Student
Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Salim Al-Gailani
Teaching Associate
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
No photo available
PhD student
Department of Genetics
Holly Anderson
Research Assistant
Department of Pathology
Topun Austin
Consultant Neonatologist & Honorary Professor (UCL)
Department of Paediatrics/Neonatology CUH
No photo available
Postgraduate student
Mphil in Reproduction and Embryogenesis
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Nadejda Capatina
Medical student
School of Clinical Medicine
Philippa Carter
Assistant Professor in the History of Health and Medicine before 1800
Department of History & Philosophy of Science
Natasha Cavell
PhD student
Tasnim Chowdhury
PhD student
Department of Engineering
Miguel Constancia
Senior Lecturer
Metabolic Research Laboratories / Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Barry Coughlan
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
Rachael Crew
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Andreea Daniela Cristian
PhD student
Clinical Biochemistry
Romola Davenport
Senior Research Associate
Department of Geography
No photo available
PhD Student
Veterinary Medicine
Priscilla Day-Walsh
Next Generation Fellow
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Laura Dearden
Research Associate
Institute of Metabolic Science
No photo available
PhD Student/Research Coordinator
Centre for Family Research / Department of Medical Genetics
Ellen Dyer
Lead Research Sonographer
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Anne Ferguson-Smith
Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics and Head of Department
Department of Genetics
Denise Fernandez-Twinn
Research Associate
Institute of Metabolic Science-Metabolic Research Laboratories
Alison Forhead
University Lecturer
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Abby Fowden
Professor of Perinatal Physiology
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Yvonne Frankfurth
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Francesca Gaccioli
Research Associate
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ali Giritlioglu
PhD student
Leverhulme Centre for Biological Anthropology, Department of Archaeology
Dino Giussani
Professor of Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology & Medicine
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Research Assistant
MRC Toxicology Unit
Geula Hanin
Senior Research Associate
Department of Genetics
Courtney Hanna
Next Generation Fellow
Centre for Trophoblast Research
Phoebe Heathcote
PhD student
Faculty of History
Lisa Hinton
Senior Social Scientist
Nuffield Department of Primary Care, University of Oxford
Sophie Hoffman
PhD Student
Nicky Holdstock
Senior Lecturer in Equine Reproduction
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Nick Hopwood
Professor of History of Science and Medicine
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Camille Hudon
MPhil student
Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
Kate Hughes
Associate Professor of Veterinary Anatomic Pathology
Veterinary Medicine
Claire Hughes
Professor of Developmental Psychology
Centre for Family Research
Cecilia Icoresi Mazzeo
Advanced Research Assistant
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Isabella Inzani
PhD student
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Jyothi Jayaraman
PhD student
Departments of Pathology, PDN and Obstetrics & Gynaecology
No photo available
MPhil in Health, Medicine, and Society
Home subject is Medical Anthropology
History and Philosophy of Science
No photo available
Consultant Obstetrician
Department of Obstetrics, CUH
Albert Koulman
Head of Laboratory
Institute of Metabolic Science
Georgia Lea
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Vicky Leong
Affiliated Lecturer
Department of Psychology
Sarah Lloyd-Fox
Senior Research Associate
Department of Psychology
Valentina Lorenzi
PhD student
Wellcome Sanger Institute/ European Bioinformatics Institute
Henry Lugobe
PhD Fellow
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Jasmine Mack
PhD student (NIH-Cambridge Scholar)
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Nayra Martin-Key
Research Associate
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Helen McCarthy
Professor of Modern and Contemporary British History
Faculty of History
Naomi McGovern
Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Group leader
Department of Pathology
Leah McHugh
PhD Student
Babraham Institute
Claire Meek
Senior Clinical Research Associate
Institute of Metabolic Science-Metabolic Research Laboratories
Ruoyu Miao
Research Associate
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Caterina Milo
College Lecturer and Fellow in Law
Faculty of Law and Robinson College
Eric Miska
Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Genetics
Gurdon Institute/Department of Genetics
Elisabeth Mjaaland
PhD student
Department of Geography
Ashley Moffett
Emeritus Professor of Reproductive Immunology
Department of Pathology
No photo available
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography
No photo available
PhD candidate
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
Florence Nabwire
Investigator Scientist
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Addison Niemeyer Billing
Postdoctoral researcher
Research associate
Stephen O'Rahilly
Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine
Clinical Biochemistry/Institute of Metabolic Science Metabolic Research Laboratories
Aideen O'Shaughnessy
University of Lincoln
Ken Ong
MRC Epidemiology Unit and Department of Paediatrics
Gabrielle Oxley
PhD candidate
MRC Toxicology Unit
No photo available
PhD student
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
Vicen Perez Garcia
Next Generation Fellow
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience / CTR
Clive Petry
Senior Research Associate
Department of Paediatrics
No photo available
Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History
Faculty of History
Andrew Sharkey
Associate Lecturer
Department of Pathology
Gordon Smith
Head of Department
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Stasa Stankovic
PhD student
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Amy Sutton-Cole
Lead Research Midwife
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Cherlyn Tan
PhD student
Department of Genetics / Centre for Trophoblast Research
Sydnae Taylor
Postgraduate student
HPS (Health Medicine and Society cohort)
Alex Tokolyi
PhD student
Wellcome Sanger Institute
No photo available
Affiliated Lecturer
Institute of Criminology
Ellen Wall
PhD student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Erica Watson
Lecturer in Reproductive Biology
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
No photo available
MPhil student
Health, Medicine, and Society
No photo available
Senior Research Technician
Vivian Wu
MPhil Student
Department of Sociology
Jonas Zaugg
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Xiaohui Zhao
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience