Claire Hughes is Deputy Director of the University of Cambridge Centre for Family Research and a Fellow of Newnham College. Claire's PhD and early post-doctoral research examined executive functions in autism. Her current work investigates cultural, cognitive and family influences on childhood behavioural problems and deficits in theory of mind and executive function. In 2011, Clare received one of 400 'Women of the Year' awards. Claire's first book, Social Understanding, Social Lives: from Toddlerhood to the Transition to School, won the BPS book of the year for 2013; a second book, Why Siblings Matter, by Naomi White and Claire Hughes was published in 2017. In 2018, Claire took on a new role as University of Cambridge Psychology Department's HoD for Wellbeing, Equality and Diversity and her research interests now encompass development and well-being from infancy to adolescence.