Vivian is a MPhill candidate under the supervision of Prof. Sarah Franklin. Prior to coming to Cambridge, Vivian received her undergraduate degree in BSc Sociology at the London School of Economics in June 2020. Through exploring the role of virtual peer community in shaping female users’ journey of making sense of infertility, Vivian’s undergraduate dissertation focused on the potential and functionalities of online fora as a virtual public space, in terms of the possibility of perpetuating the neoliberal medical-frame, creating new pathways of re-conceptualising infertility and negotiating of motherhood.
During her MPhil degree, Vivian hopes to further explore the role of interactive media in opening up the conceptualisation of infertility, specifically how it may widens and deepens the participation of patients, enabling their perspectives to compete with mainstream media, knowledge experts and state mediation. She also wishes to gain more insights on the growth mechanism of ART as an industrial complex, and its interaction with speculative investments.