The Early Researchers Seminar Series (ERSS) is a platform for PhD Students and early career researchers (ECRs) at the University of Cambridge with research foci on reproduction to share and discuss their research with other academics from a range of disciplines also researching reproduction at the University. Seminars are held on the third Thursday of every month, 1pm - 2pm. Seminars will be held online, via Zoom, for Michaelmas Term (with the potential for an offline or hybrid format in Lent and Easter Term). Each session will feature two presentations.
Submit an abstract
If you would like to present your work at the ERSS, please forward a 250-word abstract and a short researcher bio to Tamsin Smyth (admin@repro.cam.ac.uk)
Chair a session
We also invite interested researchers to chair each session. If you are interested in chairing one of the ERSS sessions, please send a short bio to Tamsin Smyth (admin@repro.cam.ac.uk)