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An allied health professional by background I am passionate about ultrasound imaging, multi-disciplinary research and holistic patient care.

I completed my MSc entitled “Cervical Length Assessment: How accurate are Sonographers?” in 2012 which was funded by an award from the East of England Deanery. I also spent two years working as a Research Associate for University of Cambridge completing a pilot study looking at the clinical application of 2D and 3D Ultrasound Elastography and was principle investigator for a third study looking at 3D extended field of view ultrasound as part of a collaboration between the departments of Radiology and Engineering.

I am an active member of the ultrasound advisory group for the Society of Radiographers and British Medical Ultrasound Society, assessor for the sonography voluntary register, member of the ultrasound journal editorial board and co-author of the sonographer e-learning for Saving Babies Lives version 2.


Most relevant publications

Dyer E, Chudleigh T. Peer review of third trimester abdominal circumference measurements. Ultrasound. September 2020. doi:10.1177/1742271X20954226

A Rowley, E Dyer, J Scott and C Aiken, 2019, Could masking gestational age estimation during scanning improve detection of small-for-gestational-age fetuses? A controlled pre–post evaluation. AJOG.

Dyer E, December 2018, Cervical Assessment – the unusual and unexpected, poster at BMUS ASM in Manchester.

Dyer E, Rowley A and A Dacey, May 2018, Peer review of cervical length images, poster at ESPBC in Edinburgh.

Dyer E, Rowley A, Mannu U, Hoveyda F, May 2018, Introducing a preterm surveillance clinic to manage high-risk women. Br J Midwifery, Vol 26, issue 5, p301-308.

Dyer E and T Chudleigh, December 2017, Review of third trimester abdominal circumference measurements, poster at BMUS ASM.

Dyer E, Zeeshan Ijaz U, Housden R, Prager R, Gee A, Treece G, October 2012, A clinical system for three-dimensional extended-field-of-view ultrasound. Br J Radiol, Vol 85, issue 1018: e919-249.