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Research overview
Horizons: reproduction special issue
Cambridge Lactation Network
Early Researchers Seminar Series (ERSS) videos
Remaking Reproduction
Interdisciplinary research at Cambridge
Forthcoming events
Cambridge Reproduction Forum
Cambridge Reading Group on Reproduction
Cambridge Festival
Cambridge Festival overview
Cambridge Festival 2025
Cambridge Festival 2024
Cambridge Festival 2022
Cambridge Festival 2021
Conferences overview
Realising the translational potential of reproductive organoids
Reproduction Showcase 2021
Anne McLaren Meeting 2021
Anne McLaren Meeting 2021 overview
Maternal Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa 2020
Maternal Mortality in sub-Saharan Africa 2020 overview
Workshop programme
Speakers and sessions
Seminars overview
Reproductive justice in the climate crisis
Oh My Ovaries! A female reproductive health journey across the lifespan
Early Researchers Seminar Series (ERSS)
Early Researchers Seminar Series (ERSS) overview
Call for abstracts and chairs
Seminars during 2022-2023
Seminars during 2021-2022
Seminars during 2020-2021
Video archive
Events archive
Past events
Training overview
MPhil in Reproduction and Embryogenesis
Summer School
Summer School overview
2022 Summer School
Our funding schemes
Our funding schemes overview
Cross-disciplinary Projects Fund
Cross-disciplinary Projects Fund overview
From birth to blastocyst: a modular SciArt exhibit
Development Fund
Development Fund overview
Development Fund: funded activities
Development Fund: funded activities overview
Francesca Gaccioli
Ionel Sandovici
Ulla Sovio
Events Fund
Incubator Fund
Incubator Fund overview
Incubator Fund: projects
Incubator Fund: projects overview
Brain Activation in Mother and BabY (BAMBY)
Creative conception: a microfluidics-enabled strategy for in vitro gametogenesis (IVG)
Developing an in vitro system to study epigenetics in early human placental trophoblast cells
NICU and rapid genetic testing: Comparing mothers’ and fathers’ views and experiences
Conceptions Fund
Conceptions Fund overview
Conceptions: funded projects
Conceptions: funded projects overview
Blood Runs Thicker Than Water
Blood Runs Thicker Than Water overview
Call for collaborators (January 2021)
Generation COVID UK
Queer Conceptions
Other funding opportunities
SCBEM Code of Practice
SCBEM Code of Practice overview
G-SCBEM project
G-SCBEM project overview
HFEA consultation response
Postgraduate Students
Cambridge Reproduction
Steering Committee
External Advisory Board
Academic Staff
Postdoctoral Researchers
Postgraduate Students
Affiliate members
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SCBEM Code of Practice
Lexi Alexander
MPhil Student in Biological Sciences (Reproduction and Embryogenesis pathway)
Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
Ms Kim Alexander
PhD student
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Ms Anna Arutyunyan
PhD candidate
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Ms Tara Asgarilaleh
PhD candidate
Department of Sociology
Dr James Ashcroft
PhD student
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Nooria Atta
PhD student
Clinical Biochemistry
Miss Giulia Avellino
PhD candidate
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ms Yiyun Bai
PhD Student
Department of Sociology
Alice Barrell
Student Doctor
School of Clinical Medicine
Mr Oliver Bower
PhD student
Centre for Trophoblast Research / Crick Institute
Miss Ellen Bridson
MPhil student
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Ms Kristin Collett Caolo
PhD Student
Department of Sociology
Dr Nadejda Capatina
Medical student
School of Clinical Medicine
Miss Yuwen Chen
MPhil/PhD student
Department of Pathology
Hui Chen
MPhil student
Department of Sociology
Ms Tasnim Chowdhury
PhD student
Department of Engineering
Grace Clinton
Health, Medicine and Society - MPhil
History and Philosophy of Science
Miss Andreea Cristian
PhD student
Clinical Biochemistry
Angela Diaz
MPhil student
PDN, The Loke Centre for Trophoblast Research
Ms Emma Diduch
PhD student
Department of Geography
Mrs Helen Dolling
PhD Student/Research Coordinator
Centre for Family Research / Department of Medical Genetics
Caitlin Duncan
PhD Student
Department of Pathology, McGovern Lab
Ms Stefanie Felsberger
PhD Student
Centre for Gender Studies, POLIS
Dr Ben Fisher
PhD student
Gurdon Institute and Department of Genetics
Mr William Foster
PhD candidate
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Ms Yvonne Frankfurth
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Xiwen Fu
PhD Student
Mr Kristian Galea
Medical student
School of Clinical Medicine
Mr Ali Giritlioglu
PhD student
Leverhulme Centre for Biological Anthropology, Department of Archaeology
Nienke Groskamp
PhD student
History and Philosophy of Science
Samantha Hartley
PhD student
Social Anthropology
Sydney Haupt
MPhil - Health, Medicine, and Society
History and Philosophy of Science
Ms Phoebe Heathcote
PhD student
Faculty of History
Sophie Hoffman
PhD Student
Ms Tianqi Huang
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Ms Yijie Huang
PhD student
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Mr Qiulin Huang
PhD student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Miss Camille Hudon
MPhil student
Department of Physiology, Development & Neuroscience
Miss Isabella Inzani
PhD student
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Miss Jyothi Jayaraman
PhD student
Departments of Pathology, PDN and Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Annamarie Jedziniak
MPhil in Health, Medicine, and Society
Home subject is Medical Anthropology
History and Philosophy of Science
Danielle Jones
PhD Student/Research Assistant
Clinical Biochemistry
Bronte Jones
MPhil Student
History and Philosophy of Science
Mr Matthew Jordan
PhD Candidate
Collaborative Research Projects Co-ordinator
Centre for Law, Medicine and Life Sciences (Faculty of Law)
Miss Jasmine Kiley
MPhil Student
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Ms Grace Kromm
PhD candidate
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Hao Li
PhD Candidate
Ms Ruoxi Liu
Graduate student
Department of Sociology
Ye Liu
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Ms Valentina Lorenzi
PhD student
Wellcome Sanger Institute/ European Bioinformatics Institute
Dr Henry Lugobe
PhD Fellow
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Mx Ekim Luo
PhD Student
Department of Psychology
Ms Jasmine Mack
PhD student (NIH-Cambridge Scholar)
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Mr Aly Makhlouf
PhD student
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Farradeh Martin
MPhil Student in Health, Medicine and Society
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Ms Leah McHugh
PhD Student
Babraham Institute
Carlos Mendonca
MPhil in Bio Sciences
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Emma Mitchell-Sparke
Visiting Scholar in Professor Catherine Aiken’s Lab
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Miss Elisabeth Mjaaland
PhD student
Department of Geography
Ms Jenny Moran
PhD Student
Centre for Gender Studies, POLIS
Emily Morbey
PhD student
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Ms Frances Myatt
PhD student
Department of Classics
Mr Liam Myles
MPhil student
Department of Psychology
Valeriia Nadmitova
MPhil student
Department of Genetics
Ms Eugenia O'Kelly
PhD student
Department of Engineering
Miss Gabrielle Oxley
PhD candidate
MRC Toxicology Unit
Miss Hannah Parlett
PhD student
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
Paulina Pimentel-Mora
History and Philosophy of Science
MPhil Health, Medicine, and Society
Ms Jodie Rawles
PhD student
Department of Psychiatry
Ana Elisa Ribeiro Orsi
PhD student
Centre for Trophoblast Research
Ms Laura Richardson
PhD student
Faculty of History
Ms Amanda Rodgers
PhD student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Mr Elias Ruiz-Morales
PhD student
Sanger Institute
Ms. Gretchen Ruschman
Ms Flavia Saxler
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Ms Bianca Schor
PhD Student
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Mr Pranay Shah
PhD student
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Miss Stasa Stankovic
PhD student
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Bingchang Sun
PhD Student
Cambridge Centre for Gender Studies, POLIS
Miss Cherlyn Tan
PhD student
Department of Genetics / Centre for Trophoblast Research
Dr Dey Freeman Tarusikirwa
MPhil Student
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Ms Sydnae Taylor
Postgraduate student
HPS (Health Medicine and Society cohort)
Alex Tokolyi
PhD student
Wellcome Sanger Institute
Dr Alexandros Tsompanidis
Doctoral Scientist
Department of Psychiatry
Ms Caroline Walker
PhD candidate, biomedical animator and illustrator
Department of Pathology
Ms Ellen Wall
PhD student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Eleanor Ward
PhD Student
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Karolina Wasilewska
Master student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Mr Liam Webb
MPhil student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Miss Hannah Webb
PhD student
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Ms Antonia Weberling
PhD Student
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Miss Amy Wilkinson
Research Assistant
Babraham Institute
Miss Vivian Wu
MPhil Student
Department of Sociology
Ms Kankan Zhang
PhD student
Department of Sociology
Amory Zhao
Department of English
Ms Jolie Zhou
PhD candidate
Department of History and Philosophy of Science