Who can join?
All postgraduate students and staff in the University of Cambridge and its affiliated institutions with an interest in any aspect of reproduction.
Why join?
- Listing on our Directory
- Added to our mailing list to hear the latest on news, events and funding opportunities
- Access to funding schemes
- Termly forum and twice termly Reading Group
- Other events, projects and activities relating to reproduction research
How to join?
Complete the Online Joining Form
(you'll need to be logged into Microsoft with your University ID, otherwise download and complete the word form to apply for membership).
Or, send the word doc version to Tamsin Smyth, the Events & Communications Coordinator, at admin@repro.cam.ac.uk.
You may ask for your information to be amended or deleted at any time, and you may also leave the Reproduction network at any time you wish, by emailing the Events & Communications Coordinator admin@repro.cam.ac.uk
Application Form
If you are not eligible to join our network but would like to stay in touch with our news, activities and events, then please sign up for our mailing list!