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Cambridge Reproduction


The Cambridge Reproduction SRI has run a number of engaging interdisciplinary events around the theme of reproduction since its launch in 2018:


Cambridge Reproduction Forum

The Cambridge Reproduction Forum is held termly, and provides a relaxed opportunity for SRI members to meet and share current research. The usual format is a series of brief "flash" talks followed by an interdisciplinary dialogue or panel discussion.

We are always looking for people to take part in the Forum! If you would like to give a flash talk, take part in an interdisciplinary discussion or present your work in another way, please contact Christina Rozeik (

Past Cambridge Reproduction Fora


Early Researchers Seminar Series (ERSS)

The Cambridge Reproduction Early Researchers Seminar Series is an interdisciplinary, student-led seminar for postgraduate students and junior postdoctoral researchers with research foci on reproduction. Seminars are held online (on Zoom) on the second Thursday of every month. More information:


Workshops and conferences



We have organised a number of seminars in partnership with other groups and organisations.


Other events

We have also held events to celebrate the launch of significant books by SRI members: