My research is based on genomic imprinting, which is vital in placental and prenatal development, contributing to growth and resource allocation to the offspring. However, recently, research revealed that imprinting plays a role in postnatal stages as well, including in the mammary gland. Unpublished data from our lab shows that genomic imprinting occurs extensively in mammary gland cells throughout the developmental cycle of the tissue.
We hypothesise that not only does imprinting function in the mammary gland to regulate its development but further extends as a protein product supporting the offspring's postnatal development via breast milk. Milk is a highly complex functional and bioactive food source for neonates, and epidemiological studies suggest that it impacts life-long health and susceptibility to diseases. Currently, nothing is known about imprinted gene protein products in milk, their function and how they affect the development of the offspring.
Our research will open a new avenue to understanding the physiological significance of imprinting in a novel context, the long and short-term effects on health, enhance our understanding of mother-offspring relationship, and the evolution of genomic imprinting.
My general academic interests revolve around foetal/neonatal and maternal health and development as well as physiology. I aspire to work in translational research within these fields in my future career.