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In September 2020, the SRI organised the 2-day workshop 'Maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa'. This page contains resources and outputs from the workshop.


Workshop details

Information about the workshop can be found here.

The workshop programme is available here.

Speaker biographies are here.


Reading list

Organisers and attendees collaborated on a list of key readings in this area, which you can download here:


Video recordings from the workshop sessions

Session 1: How did the Danish birth care system manage to keep the late-nineteenth century level of MMR below the level of MMR in sub-Saharan Africa of today?

Speaker: Professor Anne Løkke (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Chair: Dr Alice Reid (Department of Geography)




Session 2: Interdisciplinary perspectives on maternal mortality in Kenya

Speaker: Professor Shane Doyle (University of Leeds, UK)
Chair: Professor Simon Szreter (Faculty of History)


Session 3: Maternal mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa: the Ugandan situation

Speaker: Ms Oliver Norah Nabacwa (Mulago Hospital, Uganda)
Chair: Professor Ashley Moffett (Department of Pathology)


Session 4: Regional progress and policy response to reduce maternal mortality in sub-Saharan Africa

Speaker: Dr Estelle Sidze (African Population & Health Research Center, Kenya)
Chair: Dr Yuliya Hilevych (Faculty of History)