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Cambridge Reproduction

Cambridge Reproduction Summer School 2023: carousel image big text

This year's Cambridge Reproduction Summer School embraces the theme of 'Reproduction at the Crossroads' 

Registration open now 


Under this central theme will lie three topics over the three days. 

  • Past and present 
  • Health and development
  • Parenthood

The teaching comprises a mixture of pre-recorded video lectures and online teaching sessions hosted on Zoom each afternoon 14.30-16.00 BST.


Day 1 (18 September): Past and present

Frances Myatt Reproduction and the Crossing of Genres in Ovid's Fasti
Kim Alexander Histories of contraception and reproduction today 
Nick Hopwood         Futures past: technologies of conception
Rachell Sanchez-Rivera         Histories and legacies of eugenics and its connections to reproduction
Orsolya Petocz     The taboo of Diethylstilbestrol: French literary works and activism
Caterina Milo  Abortion at the crossroads? Demedicalization and informed consent
Julian Hitchcock Governing Models of Human Development
Amarpreet Kaur Reproductive technologies in development: the crossroads of science, ethics, and legislation


Day 2 (19 September): Health and development

Laura Dearden          Origins of obesity - how the in utero environment programs our metabolic disease risk
Sue Ozanne Interventions during obese pregnancy: a window of opportunity to improve the health of two generations
Anna Arutyunyan Spatial multiomics map of trophoblast development in early pregnancy
Jenna Armstrong Mitochondrial respiratory function in placentas from high altitude pregnancy
Monika Golinska New imaging strategies to improve diagnosis of endometriosis
Stasa Stankovic Unlocking fertility and reproductive ageing using human omics
Wolfram Gruhn Clinical relevance of in vitro gametogenesis


Day 3 (20 September): Parenthood

Laura Katus  Healthy minds for healthy lives? How early brain measures can help us identify at-risk children around the world.  
Dafni Lima The legal framework of assisted reproduction: current state of play and future developments
Katerina Menelaou Ethical implications and future impact of recent developments in reproductive medicine
Susie Bower-Brown             “Her bun in my oven”: What is reciprocal IVF, and why might parents choose it?
Marcin Smietana Racial matching and the politics of race in gamete donor matching
Matt Jordan Legal Parenthood in England and Wales: LGBT+ families and lessons from overseas
Ry Montgomery Representing la transparentalité: trans* parenthood in contemporary French cinema