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Cambridge Reproduction

Amy Ahern
Principal Research Associate and Programme Leader
Academic Staff
Kate Baker
Programme Leader Track
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
Philippa Carter
Assistant Professor in the History of Health and Medicine before 1800
Department of History & Philosophy of Science
Barry Coughlan
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
No photo available
PhD Student/Research Coordinator
Centre for Family Research / Department of Medical Genetics
Robbie Duschinsky
Senior University Lecturer
Department of Public Health and Primary Care
No photo available
PhD Student
Ali Giritlioglu
PhD student
Leverhulme Centre for Biological Anthropology, Department of Archaeology
Susan Golombok
Director of Centre for Family Research and Professor of Family Research
Centre for Family Research
Claire Hughes
Professor of Developmental Psychology
Centre for Family Research
Fumiya Iida
Department of Engineering
No photo available
Research Associate and Lecturer
Centre for Family Research
Ying Jin
Reader in Architecture and Urbanism and Director, Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies
Department of Architecture
No photo available
Consultant Obstetrician
Department of Obstetrics, CUH
Grace Kromm
PhD candidate
Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Sarah Lloyd-Fox
Senior Research Associate
Department of Psychology
No photo available
PhD Student
Department of Psychology
Nayra Martin-Key
Research Associate
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
Liam Myles
MPhil student
Department of Psychology
Addison Niemeyer Billing
Postdoctoral researcher
Research associate
Eugenia O'Kelly
PhD student
Department of Engineering
Jodie Rawles
PhD student
Department of Psychiatry
Caroline Rusterholz
Eccellenza Assistant Professor
Graduate Institute Geneva
Staci Weiss
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
No photo available
MPhil student
Health, Medicine, and Society