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Cambridge Reproduction

Kim Alexander
PhD student
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Simon Beard
Senior Research Associate
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
Romola Davenport
Senior Research Associate
Department of Geography
Emma Diduch
PhD student
Department of Geography
No photo available
PhD Student/Research Coordinator
Centre for Family Research / Department of Medical Genetics
Mark Dyble
Assistant Professor in Evolutionary Anthropology
Academic staff
Ali Giritlioglu
PhD student
Leverhulme Centre for Biological Anthropology, Department of Archaeology
Phoebe Heathcote
PhD student
Faculty of History
No photo available
Research Associate
Department of Geography
Ying Jin
Reader in Architecture and Urbanism and Director, Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies
Department of Architecture
Georgia Lea
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience
Sarah Lloyd-Fox
Senior Research Associate
Department of Psychology
Elisabeth Mjaaland
PhD student
Department of Geography
No photo available
Senior Lecturer
Department of Geography
Jenny Moran
PhD Student
Centre for Gender Studies, POLIS
Staffan Mueller-Wille
University Lecturer in Life, human and Earth Sciences
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
No photo available
PhD student
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics
John Perry
Programme Leader
MRC Epidemiology Unit
Clare Pettitt
Academic staff
Grace 2 Chair
Caroline Rusterholz
Eccellenza Assistant Professor
Graduate Institute Geneva
Rachell Sanchez-Rivera
ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Sociology
Aylwyn Scally
Group Leader
Department of Genetics
Brian Sloan
College Lecturer in Law and Affiliated Lecturer
Robinson College / Faculty of Law
PhD student
POLIS (Centre for Gender Studies)
Staci Weiss
Research Associate
Department of Psychology
Vivian Wu
MPhil Student
Department of Sociology