Completed a MD (Cambridge) in 1996 entitled Polycystic ovaries and IVF and published several papers as a result. Subsequently completed a research based Masters in Education in 2003 (again Cambridge University) and have published in medical education journals.
My research interests are in gynaecological endocrinology, paediatric and adolescent gynaecology and infertility together with medical education (with a focus on faculty development) and have published in all these areas. Have been a Fellow at Newnham College since my appointment as a Consultant here in Cambridge in 1994 and act as College Director of Studies for Clinical Medicine.
I have held a number of leadership roles in postgraduate education including College Tutor and Director of Postgraduate Medical Education for Cambridge University Hospitals. From 2003-8 I was Clinical Director for Women’s Services in Cambridge and was Head of School for the new EOE Postgraduate School of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2008-2017). I established training courses for trainers locally, for the region and for the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (RCOG) and was faculty development lead at the RCOG. Am now Vice Chair of the RCOG Specialist Education Advisory committee. Am currently Guardian of Safe Working for CUHFT (2017-) (looking after trainee doctors) & Associate Postgraduate Dean for Health Education England in the East of England (HEE-EOE).