Geoffrey Maguire specialises in contemporary Latin American film, literature and visual art, with particular interests in cultural memory, queer representation, and sexuality and gender.
He is the author of The Politics of Postmemory: Violence and Victimhood in Contemporary Argentine Culture (2017) and, with Rachel Randall, New Visions of Adolescence in Contemporary Latin American Cinema (2018). His most recent monograph, Bodies of Water (2024), explores the filmic representation of queer sexualities through theories of temporality and embodiment. More broadly, Geoffrey is interested in the intersections of politics and culture in contemporary Latin America, as well as theoretical debates surrounding performance, masculinities and cultural memory.
Geoffrey was the Project Co-Lead of the Queer Conceptions research network, which was funded by the Cambridge Reproduction SRI. This was an interdisciplinary public-facing network that explored pressing socio-political questions around queer conception, trans pregnancies and parenthood.