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Cambridge Reproduction

Freezing Fertility documentary screening, 11 March 2022

Join us for a screening of the VPRO documentary Freezing Fertility followed by a live Q&A with Lucy van de Wiel

In this episode, VPRO Backlight dives into the world of malleable fertility. Talks are held with fertility entrepreneurs, embryologists, IVF specialists and researchers. One saw fertility as a gap in the market and set up Spain's first egg bank. The other is concerned about the commercialization of fertility and is working on UK's first not-for-profit 'fertility service'. They have one thing in common: all are concerned with catching up with the human biological clock.

Lucy van de Wiel, Changing (In)Fertilities Work Package Coordinator, former ReproSoc Research Associate and Cambridge Reproduction member, is featured in the documentary. Author of the book Freezing Fertility, she investigates how new technologies that promise to turn back our biological clocks are changing how we think about fertility. According to her, technologies such as egg freezing give the impression that people have more control over their fertility. Fertility is therefore experienced differently: you have to work on it earlier, but it also plays a role for a longer period of time.



Register for the screening

This event is organised by ReproSoc in collaboration with Cambridge Reproduction.


Friday, 11 March, 2022 - 12:00
Event location: 