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Cambridge Reproduction


The East of England Population Health Research Hub would like to ask for your support to complete a rapid mapping to understand what academic skills are available regionally to support the COVID-19 response.

The Hub is in the process of collating research needs and questions from NHSE, Public Health England and Directors of Public Health and their teams within the region, and have identified the need for a quick and coordinated effort to map these research needs to capacity that may be available in the universities within the region to help support the COVID-19 response.

As such, the Hub would urgently like to understand what skills and capacity public health academics at the University of Cambridge may have to support the COVID-19 response, either through research or utilisation of existing core skills or whether your PhD or Masters’ students would have capacity to provide support as well.

Please complete the below table (which you can download as a Word document below) with the capabilities and capacity either yourself, your teams or PhD or Masters’ students may have to provide support towards the COVID-19 response, based on the sought after skills, expertise and experience areas listed in the table below.

If you have any questions please contact Caitlin Grant, Project Manager, East of England Population Health Research Hub: